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Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Amazing Trades in Feb 2013

We are having such a great time this Feb 2013. It is a dream come true. Accounts have doubled and quadrupled. Its been such a blessed month. Some amazing trades and huge pippage. AIMS Really shows its power this month. If you just believe yourself and go with the flow you can change your life instantly. (By consistently trading the Setup)

The first one to talk about is the 485 pips Trde Last Night. Now I know not all of you would have got the same gains as it depends how experienced your are and how you manage your trades but this is one of the best trades any one can trade on the time frame it was taken. Simply the best.

Amazing isn't it? but that was not all. Earlier we had some more fantastic gains like the one below. The three campaigns below brought 385 pips into our accounts. Now I know that its not going to happen everyday but this is what is possible from time to time. The reason it does not happen every day is that the market does not move 600 pips in one day every day. It happens once a year though. But the point is, if you look at EUR/JPY during the past 6 months it has been ranging on average 200+ pips in a day. Aims takes full advantage of that and allows you to bag from 50-100 pips daily. 

Here are some more trades from last week. 

Gold H1 Beautiful Trade

EUR/JPY a nice example of how to trade the Sell Red Dot Signal and Take profit on the Black Diamond exit signal. 

Another nice Trade on EUR/JPY with picture of Live Trade and 117 pips  floating profit

If you'd like to see more examples and some videos and step by step pictures of trade as we spot them, take them and mange them please consider Joining AIMS Stress Free Trading. Just Click on 50% Discount Link above.  Cheers Immy

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Last Change - Less than 48 Hrs Left

Tap Your Way to More Pips

Last Chance - Less than  48hrs Left

Tapping World Summit


I just wanted to give you a quick reminder... 
The 2013 Tapping World Summit upgrade 
opportunity - which is owning the actual audio 
presentations, along with the workbook, transcripts 
and bonuses in either digital or hard copy format - 
ends tomorrow night at midnight, Pacific time...
You've probably heard a lot about this event
over the past month or so, and with good reason...
Tapping works extremely well.

Here are a few reasons for why I recommend 
getting this program:

1 - EFT or "Tapping" has been scientifically
proven to work in a number of areas.

Traders have reported huge changes in

their attitude during trading. 
For example, in one study 30 minutes of 
Tapping was shown to reduce cortisol levels 
(the stress hormone in the body) by 24% as 
compared to 30 minutes of talk therapy
or 30 minutes of no therapy at all…  
That's impressive!  And it's extremely
relevant for all of us in our fast paced
society who need to be able to de-stress.

2 - Tapping is highly supported by some of
the world's leading personal development 
experts such as Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay,
Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor, Gay Hendricks,
Arielle Ford, Joe Vitale and so many others.
As well as world leading health experts like 
Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Joseph Mercola, 
Kris Carr, Dr. Eric Robbins and 
Dr. Christiane Northrup.
And even world leading therapists, 
psychologists and psychiatrists like 
Eric Leskowitz (Ph.D. - Harvard University),
Carol Look, David Feinstein Ph.D., and
Dr. Patricia Carrington

3 - Beyond the scientific research that has 
been done and the world-leading experts
who support it, what's most impressive is 
how many people have said that they have 
gotten great results with Tapping.  
There is case after case after case of 
everyday people just like you sharing their
results with Tapping, not only from this
Tapping World Summit event but all 
over the web.

They've shown results in pretty much any
area you can think of…like improving
finances, losing we*ght, eliminating 
physical pain, or negative emotions, or 
limiting beliefs, creating the relationship 
of your dreams and so much more…
The list of what it works for really 
does go on and on.

4 - The impact it's having on a global
scale is unreal.  

Earlier this week The Tapping Solution 
shared a video, which showed Tapping 
being used with tremendous results for
those most deeply affected by the school
shooting in Newtown, CT, with children
survivors of the Genocide in Rwanda, and
with war veterans suffering with PTSD.
If Tapping is working on these extremely
tough situations just imagine the miracles
it can create in your life…

So if you want to get the same results
in your life that so many others are 
getting with EFT…

I HIGHLY recommend you visit the page
below and check out the upgrade options.

You can check it all out here:

I hope you take advantage of it before it 
ends tomorrow night.  

With love,


AIMS Stress Free Trading 

P.S. - The pricing is extremely reasonable.  
In fact, this is the 5th year in a row they've
run this event and the price has never
gone up once (there aren't many things 
you can say that about nowadays!)  
And the reason it's never gone up is that
they care first and foremost about getting
this information out to those who truly want
to use it and get results.  
Trust me on this one, this is one of those
programs that is a must-have for changing 
your life...

Friday, 8 February 2013

694 Pips Today on Euro Yen for AIMS Stress Free Trading

What an Amazing week and finished with one of the best day of this year. +694 pips and counting!
We keep it simple. You have 3 options.
1. Beginners Tempalte - Conservative approach with only Trend Following Setups
2. Extra Conservative - Only Setups that are very high probability
3. Classic Template - For those who love freedom. For those who'd like to dance with the market.

Here are some examples from the week ending 8th of Feb 2013.

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Can Tapping Make You a Better Trader?

I have a really important "last chance"
reminder for you…

But before that I'd like to share a story someone sent me earlier that relates to forex trading and the benefits of tapping:

"A few years ago on a typical cloudy and rainy day in the Pacific
Northwest, I was attending a Forex trading group in Seattle.
I noticed a group of people standing in a huddle with Starbucks
cups and the rich aroma of fine roasted espresso wafting through
the air.  They seemed to be watching something going on in the
center of the huddle.

In the center was a tall dark haired man doing muscle testing
on some of the traders there.  The eager subjects would stand with
their arms straight out and make a statement such as "My name is Joe".
If their subconscious minds believed the statement to be true their
arms would be strong and rigid.  If not their arms would go weak
and could easily be pushed down.

Then he would proceed to demonstrate having the person make a
statement such as "I easily achieve my weekly and monthly goals
in Forex trading."  or  "I easily recognize Forex entry signals and
enter trades when they happen." etc.

Almost everyone seemed to have many subconscious beliefs that were
in direct conflict with what they consciously wanted to do in their
trading.  Then he would do a series of tapping on key meridian points
of the body and test again.  After correcting some apparent energy
blockage in the persons emotions and nervous system he would test
again and the person would then really believe the statement they
were making about their intentions in Forex trading.

Now it's no secret that this technique has exploded in popularity
all around the world as a tool for success and personal development.
The reason is because people really experience results right away
without having to learn some kind of advanced techniques. Anyone
can see results immediately and one of the most exciting ways to
use it is for success in trading.

Well since that time I have studied and practiced the technique
known as Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT and this method is
so extremely effective that many people in all walks of life
including Forex trading are using this to remove the emotional
blocks that prevent them from accomplishing what they intend to do.

Some Forex traders who use this method are reporting consistent
winning trades sometimes after years of struggling.  One trader
in our community recently said that he knew that whenever he did
not have good results in trading it was always because something
in his mind caused him to do something other than enter the trade
when the entry occured and exit when the exit occured.

Since it has long been well established that our trading method
produces phenomenal results when followed, more and more traders
are realizing that the key to success has something to do with
removing the blocks in their minds.

Well now this "tapping" thing has become very popular and I thought
you might be interested in learning more about it.

I don't fully understand exactly HOW and WHY tapping works but I know IT WORKS! Period.

I believe it has something to do with releasing blocked energy
in the channels in your body like acupuncture.

I've seen it do AMAZING things with many kinds of challenges
including Forex trading results.

We are going to be exploring many methods of achieving success
and mastery in life and in trading and EFT is definitely one
of them.

I invite you to learn this from the experts.

I found out about a whole series of online presentations on
the subject of EFT with the worlds leading experts.  There
are a couple of people I am especially interested in hearing
because they deal specifically with releasing the emotional
blocks around money, finance and success in business."

You've probably heard about the 5th
Annual, 2013 Tapping World Summit,
from a dozen places by now.

Everyone is talking about it and with
good reason...

This event teaches a phenomenal
technique known as "EFT" or "Tapping"
and it's  100% fr*ee to attend online.

There are already 401,357 people
registered for the event which starts
on February 4th:

But that's not what this reminder
is about.

What you might not know is that because
of the amazing feedback from the
pre-event video series that featured
Louise Hay, Dr. Mark Hyman and Nick
Ortner, the producers of the event
decided to do something really special…

They're making all three videos, as well
as an additional 11 videos in the series,
available for viewing or download as a
special bonus for those who upgrade to
the special gold or platinum access before
the event starts.

So let me explain what that means…

The event itself is and always will be
100% fr*ee to attend during the 10 days
of the event.

The producer of the event Nick Ortner
always stresses that this event is first and
foremost a fr*ee event that also has
upgrade options for those who choose it.

So here's what an "upgrade option" means…

If you want to own the recordings, or the
companion workbook, or the transcripts, or
any of the regular audio bonuses, and the
special pre-event video bonuses, you'll
need to upgrade to the gold access (all
digital download) or the platinum access
(where you get the printed workbook
and 23 CD's mailed to your door).

So what I want to remind you about today
is simply this upgrade option, because of
the special pre-event bonuses that disappear
on the 4th at 8PM EST when the event starts…

These videos include over 8 hours of video
with experts Nick Ortner, Kris Carr, Louise Hay,
Dr. Mark Hyman, Jack Canfield, Bob Proctor,
Bruce Lipton, Cheryl Richardson, Joe Vitale,
Dr. Joseph Mercola, Carol Look, Patricia
Carrington, Carol Tuttle and Dawson Church.

They're all extremely powerful videos that
are worth watching.

And since there's a 90-day money-back
guarantee, there is zero risk involved in
upgrading today.

To learn more about the upgrade option
(and to register for the event if you haven't
yet) just click on the link below:

Whether you decide to upgrade or not, I
want you to consider one important

Please make sure to at least attend the
event online when it starts on February 4th.

EFT is a powerful technique that can have a
life-altering impact for you, but it's up to you
to show up at the event.

I look forward to seeing you there.

Immy - AIMS Stress Free Trading

P.S. - Here is some of the feedback from previous
year's events just to give you an idea of what
people think about this event…

"What a wonderful ten days!  I need to tap on
withdrawals from missing the interviews.
Jessica was a fabulous interviewer, asking just
what I wanted to know at the right time."
-Suzanne Wright - Oregon,USA

"I hope you guys can somehow hear the
thunderous applause that is surely circling the
world for you right now.  This was a DYNAMITE
event, and this grand finale with Jessica today
was just fantastic. You guys are the absolute best,
you have given phenomenal gifts here with each
presentation, and may you receive a thousand
blessings in return. EFT has never come alive
for me the way you've made it do in these last
ten days. I am very, very grateful, and yes, I will
keep tapping and will tell you what lights come
on, what doors open in the coming months."
~With much love, Natasha Suter - Ithaca, New York

"This trip has been amazing. I am so thankful
that you gave me the opportunity to be a part
of this, and I will continue to tap – and maybe
take an education in EFT later on.  Fantastic.
A few weeks ago I tapped on hip pain, and it
disappeared within a couple of minutes!!

Every session have been useful to me, and I
will look more into it (I have written it all down)
when I finish my education in September.
Jessica's 40 day tapping challenge will be
done. Her “mystery bonus audio” was a
special experience.  It helped me see a lot of
experiences/feelings to tap on."
~ Merete - Bodo, Norway

"OMG! That summit was amazing! I just
wanted to say thank you, thank you! I knew
about EFT from when I was in LA but I now
know so much more and I had ah-ha moments
almost everyday! especially the one series
about Highly Sensitive People - which I found
out I am and have been beating myself up
about it forever!  Now I know how to tap for
it and realize its a blessing to be so connected
to my feelings and intuition!

"I loved, loved, loved the whole series! you
are so kind to put all of this information out
there and for free- I know this is huge for me
and for the world! I can sense huge changes
a-brewing! I kinda miss it already! Tell Jessica
I am doing the 40 day challenge... this is exciting...
who knows where I will be in 40 days!
Thank you again!"
~ Love, Christine en route to New York City, NY USA

When is it too late or too early to buy a pullback? 

In order to answer this question first ….  Let’s quickly do some repetition. Let’s quickly do some repetition.  Let’s throw in some trading ...