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Tuesday, 31 January 2012

90 Pips Trade on M5 - Forex Trading Made Simple

Today On M5

A beautiful Setup was created on AIMS Stress Free Trading V5 Edition!

Check out the ~Entry Alert and Exit Signals - Following is an example of a couple of trading signals on M5 today.

Thursday, 26 January 2012

AIMS Trade Management Expert Advisor

I was testing out a beta version of Trade Management EA this morning and here is what we got. IT was really awsome. I Just used a quick Keyboard Short cut to put a pending buy and after that I never touched it untill it closed the trade automatically for 41 pips profit! that is 4% account growth. Fantastic! This is a gift from a member of . God Bless him!

ps: technically you're supposed to wait for fresh aims after a green dot but I took it anyway. I was eager to test out AIMS Trailing! It worked nicely. Still plenty of more testing to be done before it is made available to all the members of 

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

AIMS Stress Free Trading - V5

This morning was an easy peasy patience and discipline morning!

The system performed well, we filtered all the bad trades. Waited for price to show a trend on m5 and then took a quick trade which raised account 1% nicely. here is the picture

Note: The V5.1 is almost read. This is another step forward in our continued development process. We are getting better and better meaning 'Even-More-Stress-Free' every day!

What's New in V5?

New Interesting Features of AIMS Stress Free Trading V5

It was our AIM to incorporate all the questions of The Setup Flow Chart into the indicators. A Big Thanks goes to Steve for taking this project up on a voluntary basis. He's done a service to us all. Steve is a busy man yet he dedicated his entire Christmas holiday period to this development. He learned how to code in MQL within few weeks and then applied his knowledge to enhancing AIMS Indicators. A True Genius and Selfless Service. You \m/ ^:)^ 

AIMS Waves is the new AIMS AO 

1. New Name 
AIMS AO has been renamed. Its new name is AIMS Waves Indicator. 
The Market Moves in Waves and AIMS Waves shows those waves very accurately.
The Structure of the Market is Elliott Wave and Elliott Wave can be counted within 10 seconds using AIMS Wave. 

2. The Cross of Zero Line and Close to Zero Line
AIMS Waves and its cross of Zero Line is a very important factor in AIMS Stress Free Trading System. 
The newbies in specific always ask the question, "how close is close to zero line". 
Well, now at least on M1 and M5 by default you should always know what is close to zero line. When AO Bars turn Orange you can consider it as being Close to Zero Line. This is a customisable setting. It is different for each time frame and currency pair. But for EUR/USD M5 and M1 you dont need to change anything. 

AIMS Box V5 is the New AIMS Levels

1. New Name
AIMS Box is the new name for AIMS Levels Indicators

2. AIMS Box Zoom-in Issue Fixed 
AIMS Levels does not show as a shaded background when zoomed in one step. My friend TMM first called it the AIMS Cage. (rofl) Well its fixed now. No matter what level of zoom you'll always see a shaded box. 

3. AIMS Levels Covered all the other indicators
Previously if you attached AIMS Levels indicator to your chart last in order it would cover the other indicators. This issue is now resolved. It always appears at the bottom. 

4. Tentative AIMS Level or Repaint Issue
The New AIMS Box prints only when a 5 candle fractal is confirmed. Previouly AIMS Level would print at the end of 4th candle. Now when an AIMS Level now called AIMS Box is printed it is confirmed and will not repaint. 

5. AIMS Box Too Big
When an AIMS Box is too big, i.e. more than 15pips it is not a good idea to take a trade. I would always check t his distance using cross hair. Not anymore. You can set the max box in pips and AIMS Box will show a light colour box telling you visually that the box is more than your set number of max pips. It can be set to different numbers depending on time frame and currency pair. 

AIMS Entry Alert V5 

1. New Name
The new name for this one is truly a real meaningful change. Its now called AIMS Entry Alert. I know some of you might say well it was entry alert all along. The sound alert always said, Euro Dollar 'RED DOT'.... now it says Sell Alert or Buy Alert following by Currency name and time frame. Whats the difference? Its truly an Entry Alert. Whenever you hear Sell Alert or Buy Alert you really need to look for a potential setup in that direction. 

2. Purple Filter
The Entry Alert allows for by default to filter all the dots against the purple. This feature can be switched on and off. While I do not recommend trading against purple there may be others who just love trading against it for whatever reasons. 

3. Is the Dot Candle Inside AIMS Box?
This rule has always been there for the dots since the inception of dots. However Grant made it a part of the Flow Chart. An excellent choice in my opinion. We have now included that a part of the dots entry indicator. A different colour dot is printed when the dot candle penetrates a High (for Blue Dot) or Low (for Red Dot). Obviously this means wait for a fresh aims levels before considering taking a trade. 

4. More Support for Other Pairs
Support for other pairs and time frames. It covers 9 pairs from M1 to D1 as standard. 
If you need sounds for other pairs just put in a request and those shall be made available for a tiny cost. 

5. Backtesting Help - Draw Vertical Lines and Time Stamps
If you're interested in backtesting you can turn on the abvoe features. It prints a vertical line along each dot with a time stamp if you wish so. It makes your job easier and quicker.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Stress Free Pips - 2 Percent Growth

There were two valid signals this morning. A Green Dot which was filtered. Later a beautiful Setup with 2 blue dots. Traded with confidence and extracted 2% account growth, picture below! No More Analysis Required Just put your V5 Indicators and Save yourself some Grey Matter!

Saturday, 14 January 2012

7 Percent Account Growth in 34 Minutes

Following is a picture of a Setup and Trade with a Potential of 7% account growth within half an hour. Now would YOU like to sit there and watch or TAKE ACTION!

Join us Today. To Get your special 20% discount for Premium Membership Click Here - Send me an email I'll send you a coupon!

Friday, 13 January 2012

Another 1.4 percent on EURUSD

A Nice 1.4% trade this am. It required a bit of patience and discipline. Waited almost 3 hours. 
Red Dot, AO Close to ZL, Alligator Sleeping, Exit Close! Boom Boom

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Forex trading success and patience and discipline go hand in hand

There are days when the market does not move and you dont get setups you get frustrated, then there are days when the market moves and you dont get setups you get frustrated! 

The only one who makes money is the one who is Patient and Disciplined 1. Waiting for Setups, 2. During Trades. 
We waited the entire day and finally got a setup after hours for most! But I traded it since i was on my desk. I was just about to say bye bye but I saw it and it was great looking setup. All the boxes were ticked so put the pending. The whole AIMSters group save Grant was in it! It was good fun. no movement in 19 candles and 1 candle did the job. The funny thing was we were saying 'jokingly' it will do this either side! this time it was to the up side. It was nice. I did my MM on 10 pips hence hit 1.4% bringing my weekly total to over 5%

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Trade the Dots and grow 1 percent daily well 4 percent today

Trade the Dots and grow 1 percent daily well 4 percent today

I said this morning, "I'm going to hit 5% today". I was taken jokingly but the 'Sub-Concious' Believed in it! The sub-concious can take things literally! Say you're an idiot and it makes sure you become one! 

So 1% in the am, then a -.3% rent and then 3.2% growth! here is the lovely picture! 

May the pips be with you

Picture Removed

edit: and a little scalp

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

This is Always True: What I think and feel

This is always true: What I think and
how I feel, and what manifests, is
always a vibrational match. But here's the
big kicker: What manifests isn't manifesting
instantaneously. So, you've got all this
buffer of time leeway that makes you sloppy...
If you thought a negative thought
and a brick would instantly fall on your
head every time, you'd clean up your
thinking. But you're not here to be punished
about your thinking. You're here to
use your thinking—and your focus—to

--- Abraham

Saturday, 7 January 2012

Forex Trading - Teach-ability Index

Earlier I wrote this to some one's private message in the forum. The words came out of my inner self. A pure stream of 'conciousness' and 'unconsciousness'. I love it when I read it so I thought I'll share it with you!

Thank you for such a positive message. I truly am delighted to read it. Let me tell you about myself, I am just a humble forex trader. I was lost too but I was determined not to give up. I was ready to give up things for the achievement of my gaol. Then I found it. It was simple paradigm shift. I learned that the market has a structure and that structure is common to 99% of the things in the universe. I immediately knew there and then, that I was going to change my life.

When I started talking about my trading in my blog I never knew I'd get such a great response from the trading world. Yet here I am a trader turned into a trader/trainer/teacher. Oooooh, I am thoroughly enjoying it. I discovered something and I applied it and when I shared it it expanded itself. Sharing with People, taught me more. People teach me all the time. The more I interact with all of you the more energy, motivation and information I attract into the core of my subconscious. Rather, I get connected to the infinite intelligence via the minds of the people I converse with. So for me, people are very important. I would certainly like to expand this circle as much as possible. Its a great strategy which can be taught to anyone. All you need is a person who is willing to learn! That is what I call, which I learned from someone dear to me,
'The Teach-ability Index', in short it has 4 stages

1. Unconscious Incompetence
One does not know what one's doing. They're not doing it right, they don't even know if they're doing something wrong. they are either lost of enjoying the ignorance.

2. Concious Incompetence
The stage where you realise that you are not competent enough to do the things that you are supposed to do be consistently successful. The realisation that you just cannot turn this trading business of yours in to one that is consistently profitable meaning successful. You start looking for answers.

3. Concious Competence
You have now found the strategy of your choice. One that suits your personality and lifestyle and its in tune with the universe and hence the market. I assume you found AIMS Stress Free Trading now :)

4. Unconscious Competence
The rewards of Patience and Discipline are incredible. You activate an Expert Advisor that works faster than the speed of light. You tap into the divine intelligence the infinite intelligence of the universe. You are now in tune with the market

Our goal not just as traders but as a human is to get in tune with the universe, in trading scenario it means being in tune with the market. We have to enter the stage 1 by first realising our 'Unconscious Incompetence'. As soon as we know that we are at stage one, we automatically take a quantum leap and enter the stage 2 of 'Concious Incompetence'. Now one realises their incompetent. So they start looking for ways and ideas to become competent. So you learn and apply and take mentor-ship, become a student, ask questions and feed your curiosity, yet the thirst is not quenched until you find the real pleasure in the application of the acquired knowledge and know how.

As you stroll down the path of 'concious competence' you take a final quantum leap in to the world of Unconscious Competence. It comes after much experince and practice but more importantly as a result of correct and consistent application of your acquired knowledge and desire to accomplish your goals. Every goal achieved feeds your thirst and expands your vision you look further and move forward until you reach a point of sheer bliss. You then start to do things you did not know before. You enter 'The Zone'. The state of 'Knowing without knowing how you know'. This is the apex of Peak Performance. This is the point when hard turns into easy and easy becomes hard.!

May the 'Pips' be with you!


Get Your Hands on the V5 Indicators Coming Soon...

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

AIMS Even-More-Stress-Free "New Trading Dimensions"

I was out with friends and as soon as I returned home I paid visit to my pc and I saw a Blue Dot. I began asking the questions. The answers were ALL yes. It was then time to excercise the Power of Now. The most powerful moment in the universe. Set a pending according to the system. SYSTEM? Is AIMS Stress Free Trading now a 'System'? YES. Its a system. We have finally turned a system based on the Science of Chaos in to a "Chaos Trading SYSTEM". Objective analysis is built into the new Indicators. What? New Indicators? YES, best version of AIMS Stress Free Trading - New Dimensions have come into Existence. it is the work of 2 GREAT individuals. Coming soon! The first trade of this year has been a thing of beauty!

Note: The New Indicators is NOT an Upgrade. However there is one good news. AIMS Boxes has a great much anticipated upgrade. AIMS Boxes upgrade will be made available to existing members of plus new members.

AIMS Boxes Upgrade: What's Changed:
1. The Shaded Zone remains the same at all zoom levels.
2. The Shaded area is printed at the end of a confirmed AIMS Level. No more what they call "Repaints".
3. Another Amazing Feature  - not to be discussed here (hint: if an AIMS level is not supposed to be traded based on our trading rules, it will not be printed, How? You'll find out soon enough. 

When is it too late or too early to buy a pullback? 

In order to answer this question first ….  Let’s quickly do some repetition. Let’s quickly do some repetition.  Let’s throw in some trading ...