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Thursday, 12 January 2012

Forex trading success and patience and discipline go hand in hand

There are days when the market does not move and you dont get setups you get frustrated, then there are days when the market moves and you dont get setups you get frustrated! 

The only one who makes money is the one who is Patient and Disciplined 1. Waiting for Setups, 2. During Trades. 
We waited the entire day and finally got a setup after hours for most! But I traded it since i was on my desk. I was just about to say bye bye but I saw it and it was great looking setup. All the boxes were ticked so put the pending. The whole AIMSters group save Grant was in it! It was good fun. no movement in 19 candles and 1 candle did the job. The funny thing was we were saying 'jokingly' it will do this either side! this time it was to the up side. It was nice. I did my MM on 10 pips hence hit 1.4% bringing my weekly total to over 5%

When is it too late or too early to buy a pullback? 

In order to answer this question first ….  Let’s quickly do some repetition. Let’s quickly do some repetition.  Let’s throw in some trading ...