90% of Us are Born into Closed Minded Society. These 90% of Us, We Take Instruction and Orders from other people our life is based on other's expectations whether its individuals or organsiations and so 90% of us become REBELS (Destroyers). (Just look at the Wars Going on in the world right now)
and 10% are Open Minded People, these 10% open minded people become Creators and Innovators.
So How do we turn in to the 10% of People?
First thing is Knowledge but the most important thing is Your Attitude and Your Way of Thinking. And Thats why
"90% of Trading Success Depends Upon You, The Trader, and Not the Indicators that You're Using".
The Optimists and Pessimists experience life completely differently. The Optimists can have far stronger deeper experiences compared to the pessimists. If you want to get the most out of life and have maximum benefits out of life it would be wiser to be an Open Minded (Optimist) person.
As a trader if you're a Closed Minded, pessimist person, you'll make a little and lose a little but if you are an Open Minded / Optimist (A Generally Happy Person - Who Chooses to Be Happy Now instead of blaming others for not being happy now) you will lose a little and make a lot more and lose a little and make a lot more.
The 90% of Rebels are the Pessimists and the 10% are Optimists.
"Dr. Bill Williams"