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Wednesday, 23 October 2013

eWaves and NFP - Magic Happens with eWaves


You know we have an extra indicator based on #AIMS Wave and the concept of #ElliottWave. We have an eBook, available to our Premium Members called 10 Seconds to Elliott Wave. #10sElliottWave. This
concept has changed our trading forever and its something we cherish the most. It makes our job a lot easier.

Steve of went on and created an indicator which we call Snorms eWave. That as you may know, has cut our work further down. So now we call it 1 Second to Elliott Wave. As all you have to do is have a glance at the eWave histogram and you'd know which wave you're looking at and what to expect next. Steve made a lovely post the other day, prior to #NFP and I only wish I had looked at it in time, so that I could have added it to my previous post. But hey, its never too late. Please following this link and have a look

ps: Steve is kindly giving 25% discount to #AIMSPremium Members... go get em buddies!

eWaves still amazes me on a daily basis... simply fantastic "leading" indicator. 
#AIMSForum #Forex #Trading #Snorm #AIMS #eWave #eWaves #ElliottWave

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